The Pulse Check 
Shift Happens!   Align, Engage, Perform
Aligned For Results?      Aligning Talent And Strategy      Vertical Workgroup Alignment
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Think You Know How Aligned Your Vertical Workgroups Are With Your "Main Thing"?
Using the power of intelligent diagnostics you can see at a glance which work groups are struggling with the connection to the key drivers for your business. In the case shown above the measurement is of the rational drivers of engagement within a workforce. The graph illustrates the differences in perception between senior staff and frontline management. If the assistant managers and managers are functioning in the range of 50% to 65% what is the liklihood that they are leading their teams effectively?
                    Aligning Your Talent With The Strategic Plan
Your frontline leadership team has the greatest impact on the largest portion of your  workforce. The fact of the matter is that most people that have transitioned from being an individual contributor have never been taught what it takes to be a successful manager, let alone leader. Some do figure it out along the way; others slip back into the habits that served them well when they were in  their previous role and responsible only for their own output.
Knowing where the gaps are within your organization allows you to target solutions that fit your specific requirements. Being able to thin slice the data in ways that make sense to your organization is an incredibly powerful way to expidite individual, team and organizational development. The old adage "if you can find it, you can fix it" definitely applies.
Our strength is understanding which tactical solutions are the right ones to
apply based on the results of the CT Scan we take of your organization.